Twenty-five years ago we first set foot on the land that is now the Kenya Hope Center. On that crucial day, it was quite a sight. Bodies from a cholera outbreak in the adjacent slum had been piled high on the property, awaiting removal by city workers. We were told that the land had a local nickname: Hell’s Hole. But as we looked at the site we saw something entirely and dramatically different. Surveying the dire surroundings we envisioned a place of rescue and transformation—a Hope Center. It would take years of diligent work and significant investment, but today no one would ever imagine that the grounds of the Kenya Hope Center were once known by such a devilish name. Where there was darkness there is now light; where there was death there is now life. It is evident in the thousands who have been touched by ministry in this special place that is now home to Hope Church, led by Pastor Brian King, and to the hundreds of boys and girls at Hope Academy. The Kenya Hope Center, overlooking one of Africa’s largest slums, is a steady beacon of spiritual light.Rescuing Children and Transforming Their Lives
Hope Center Kenya
Center Needs
Feeding Program
After Communism failed in Romania, a missionary from North Dakota moved here to begin serving the thousands of orphans on the streets. Desperate children were sleeping in dangerous, foul-smelling sewer tunnels. They were clothed in filthy rags and often barefoot, even in the dead of winter. The children were malnourished and often beaten by the police, abused by predators and effectively rejected from society. These neglected children, barely surviving, had no hope for a future. Many of them turned to volatile substance use (VSU) to dull the pain of hunger and abandonment, leaving many brain-damaged or worse.
For many years, the Constanta Children’s Home cared for these orphans but eventually lost financialsupport and barely survived. In 2021, Hope Partners International officially adopted the orphanage to form a new Hope Center. Just like the other Hope Centers worldwide, Hope Partners is dedicated to rescuing and transforming the lives of the children in this region for years to come.
Sponsoring a child through Hope Partners is one of the most life-changing decisions you can make. By sponsoring one or more children, you enable our Hope Center in their country to provide vital support and meet the needs of each child — breaking the cycle of poverty and hunger in Jesus' name.
Age: 12
Age: 7
Sponsor NowAge: 8
Sponsor NowAge: 20
Age: 15
Sponsor NowAge: 16
Sponsor NowEducation assistance, tutoring and skills training all the way through college or vocational school.
Your sponsorship helps cover school uniforms, all supplies and clothing needed.
Your sponsorship helps cover an introduction to the love of God, respecting others and integrity.
Your sponsorship covers malnutrition monitoring and intervention with daily meals.
Your monthly sponsorship helps cover regular medical and dental checkups and care.
We provide a safe environment for the children where they are cared for and protected.
Age: 15
Days waiting to be sponsored: 265
Sponsor NowAge: 6
Days waiting to be sponsored: 265
Sponsor NowAge: 11
Days waiting to be sponsored: 220
Sponsor NowAge: 4
Days waiting to be sponsored: 263
Sponsor Now